
Encourage Healthy Eating in Plano, McKinney, Dallas, and Fort Worth Break Rooms

Healthy Eating with TGL Vending in Dallas

Encourage Healthy Eating in Plano, McKinney, Dallas, and Fort Worth Break Rooms

Healthy Eating with TGL Vending in Dallas

A new season is perfect for new goals, such as healthy eating. Want to support spring wellness? Healthy choices start in your Plano break room. TGL Vending makes it easy for employees to make better-for-you choices. We’ll stock your office with delicious, nutritious McKinney office snacks.

Plus, we’re here to teach you healthy eating tips! Keep reading to learn how to help employees spring into wellness.

Mindful Eating Habits

Busy employees may be guilty of quickly gobbling down their meals. However, this can do more harm than good. Mindful eating lets you eat slower. You’ll also be more aware of the present moment. Thus, you can fully enjoy the flavors of your food. It also makes you feel fuller and reduces stress.

Host a mindful eating class in your break room. Offer Plano healthy snacks and encourage employees to take their time. They can use these skills to eat slower and with more intention. No more wolfing down their meals!

Sip and Savor Nutritious Drinks

The temperatures are rising. TGL Vending’s Plano refreshment services can help employees keep their cool! How? We offer many nutrient-rich beverage vending options. Fill your Plano vending machines with fruit-infused waters or energizing green teas. We also carry juice and energy drinks.

Healthy Eating with TGL Vending in Dallas

Want other options? Ask us about our Fort Worth water filtration service. Our units remove chemical tastes and odors. Thus, employees can get fresh, flavorful water on tap. Employees can even personalize their drinks. Add tasty flavors or bubbles! This promotes workplace health and hydration.

Healthy Eating Starts with Better Food

Dallas fresh food does far more than encourage healthy eating. It also supports the community! Businesses can enjoy rich flavors and support local producers. TGL Vending offers many locally sourced small-batch snacks. Fill your Fort Worth micro-market with fresh fruits, veggies, and meals. For example, offer sandwiches, soups, wraps, and salads. Consider subsidizing your micro-market. Offer discounts on healthy meals. This encourages employees to make smarter choices.

Stock your Dallas food vending machine with veggie chips, granola bars, and other healthy favorites. Or, treat employees to complimentary healthy snacks and drinks. Fill your Plano office pantry with fresh, local favorites. This makes it simple to snack healthy on a budget. Plus, it improves employee satisfaction. It can even boost retention!

Small Steps Lead to Big Changes

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither are healthy habits. Luckily, small changes can lead to big impacts. Employees can start by choosing healthier snacks. They can also eat slower, drink more water, or take short walks on their lunch break. These tiny changes add up.

TGL Vending Is Passionate About Healthy Eating

TGL Vending helps Plano offices spring into employee health and wellness! We offer fresh foods and small-batch snacks. We also have plenty of healthy beverages to promote hydration.

Want to learn more? Contact TGL Vending today at 214-477-6195. Ask us about our vending, micro-market, and office pantry solutions. Here’s to eating healthy!

TGL Vending