
6 Top-Selling Hot Snacks to Spice Up Dallas, Fort Worth, and Plano Break Rooms

Plano Vending Machines | Fort Worth Top-Selling Hot Snacks | Dallas Break Room

6 Top-Selling Hot Snacks to Spice Up Dallas, Fort Worth, and Plano Break Rooms

Plano Vending Machines | Fort Worth Top-Selling Hot Snacks | Dallas Break Room

As the crisp fall weather sets in, now’s the perfect time to heat up your Dallas break room with top-selling hot snacks. Here in Texas, we love bold and spicy flavors. Therefore, TGL Vending proudly offers hot Dallas snacks in our Plano snack vending lineup.

Curious to learn more? Here are six snacks that pack some serious heat.

1. Flamin’ Hot Funyuns

Want to add some instant fun to your Dallas office pantry solutions? Offer Flamin’ Hot Funyuns as part of your Dallas-Fort Worth snacks menu. These babies pack a punch! That’s because they strike the perfect balance between crunchy and spicy. Funyuns are a great lunchtime spicy side. Offer them in your office pantry so employees can help themselves to freebies whenever they want.

2. Herr’s Jalapeno Poppers

Herr’s is a classic lunchtime snack. However, their Jalapeno Popper cheese curls add a fiery new spin on an old favorite. They have the perfect blend of creamy and cheesy flavors. Plus, the curls are light and airy. Thus, they’re perfect for people who don’t like heavy, overly-filling foods. Stock them in your Dallas vending machines so employees can enjoy them 24/7.

3. Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos

Plano Micro Markets | Fort Worth Beverage Vending | Dallas Top-Selling Hot Snacks

Doritos are another snacking favorite. The Spicy Sweet Chili chips are a tasty blend of spicy and sweet. The sweetness is a delicious surprise and helps to curb the heat. Therefore, Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos are great for people who don’t like extra-spicy snacks.

Still need help washing away the spicy flavors? Head to your Plano beverage vending machine. TGL Vending carries a wide variety of refreshing drinks. For instance, we offer sodas, healthy juices, energy drinks, bottled water, and more. This helps you beat all that heat!

4. Flamin’ Hot Munchies

Munchies are always a Fort Worth food vending services favorite. That’s because they take the temperatures up a notch. This spicy snack mix includes Doritos, Cheetos, SunChips, and pretzels. Thus, employees love the layered tastes and textures. They get the best of all the red-hot worlds!

5. Takis Fuego

Love your snacks hot, hot, HOT? If so, reach for a handful of Takis Fuego. These Plano snacks promise to bring the heat. They are rolled tortilla chips packed with spice with just a hint of lime. Therefore, they’re perfect for Texans who love their snacks with some extra kick.

6. Queso Ruffles

Lastly, offer Queso Ruffles in your break room. These zesty chips are famous for their ridges, which makes them great to dip. Plus, they have a rich, creamy taste. Enjoy them alone or with a side of cool dip to balance out the taste.

TGL Vending Brings the Heat with Our Top-Selling Hot Snacks

Pair your snacks with cool beverages, they’ll help cool your palate and balance out the heat.

Ready to enjoy sizzling snacks all year long? Contact TGL Vending today at 214-477-6195. We can add these six popular spicy snacks to your vending or Dallas micro-market services. We’re excited to hear from you!

TGL Vending